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어떤 분이 조건이 조금 부족한 것 같다고 하셔서 다시 올립니다.
수요일까지는 해결해야 하는데,
아시는 분 계시면 꼭 좀 부탁드립니다.


혹시 도움 주시는 분 계시면..
제가 올 여름이 잠시 한국 들어갈 때,
레드불 또는 몬스터 사드릴께요 ^^


미리 감사 인사 남기고 갑니다..!!


You own some shares of Microsoft worth $1,000.
Beta of Microsoft is 2.  Microsoft currently has no debt.  Microsoft decides to issue debt and buy back
some of its stock in open market.
Specifically, Microsoft decides to buy back 20% of its stock using ALL
the proceeds of a new issue of risk-free bonds. Corporate tax rate is zero. You
decide to not sell any part of your shares.

a) What is the value of your shares after the buyback is completed.
b) What is the beta of your shares after the buyback is completed.
c) After the company is levered, you decide to sell some of your shares and invest the proceeds in risk-free bonds. You want to do this ‘rebalancing’ so that your portfolio (shares+bonds) will have
the same beta as the unlevered shares (beta of 2).  Effectively, you want to undo the leverage of
Microsoft. What fraction of your money will be invested in risk-free bonds?


전제> "추가된 부분"
Unless mentioned otherwise, assume:
1)EBIT is a level perpetuity.
2)Tax rate is zero.
3)Market is efficient.
4)CAPM is valid.
5)Bonds are perpetual.

도움 주실 분께 정말 감사인사 남기고 갑니다.. ㅠㅠ 

엮인글 :


2011.02.15 11:09:40

재무파트에 있으나

영어를 전혀 못해서;;


2011.02.15 11:21:56

")So Cool~~~


2011.02.15 13:19:05

토익시험 3번 문제 인가요?

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