저번소식에서 말씀드린 TransWorld Rider's Poll의 후보자중
아래와 같이 각부분 수상자가 결정되었습니다.

TransWorld's 2005 Riders' Poll

TransWorld's 2005 Riders' Poll Winners

Rider of the Year Men: Chad Otterstrom

Rider of the Year Women: Leanne Pelosi

Readers' Choice Men: Travis Rice

Readers' Choice Women: Leanne Pelosi  <= 2관왕이군요!!

2005 Standout Men: Mads Jonnson

Rookie of the Year Men: Eero Niemela

Rookie of the Year Women: Anne-Flore Marxer  

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공지 공지사항 헝글 소식통 이용안내 2007-02-19 123501